Thursday, October 18, 2012

Road Trip

Yes, I'm going on a road trip today.

I'm taking my mom and my Aunt Jeannie to Atlanta to see my cousin, Kate. I'm super excited because I haven't seen Kate in a long time, so the trip should be great. Once we get there, anyway.

We're driving. Well, actually, I'm driving. Which is fine by me, because, trust me people, we'll get there much faster. My dad has a route all lined out for me from Mapquest. As I was backing away from him slowly, nodding my head while trying to leave church last night, he was hollering extra tips and instructions on which exit to use in Atlanta to miss some of the traffic, etc. Thanks, Dad.

The other somewhat challenging issue will be my mom's hearing. Or lack of hearing. I'm thinking of putting her in the front with me, so she can hear me and Aunt Jeannie will just have to scream a little. It'll be fine. I hope.

I did want to tell you that we've finally picked out a dishwasher! Praise be to God from whom all blessings flow, know what I mean? We're going to have it delivered sometime next week after I get back. Don't worry, I'll post pictures.

Here's one funny story from yesterday, then I have to finish packing: I went through the drive-thru at McDonalds for a drink yesterday, half diet and half regular Coke - that's my new thing, we can discuss it later, but it works for me. I paid my $1.08, then drove to the next window and got the drink. As I'm driving off, I happen to look down and realize the lady gave me a large WATER! Uh, WHAT?? Yeah, so what do I do? I back the car up, Baby, I paid for a soda and a soda I will have!

I get to the 2nd window, nobody there. So, I proceed to back up, remember, not my strong suit, to the first window, nobody there either. So, now I'm getting a little ticked. Where, oh where is my half diet half, regular COKE, for crying out loud? Finally, I see someone at the speaker and think, A ha! Now, someone will be at this window. Sure enough, here she came, with me flagging her like I needed medical attention. I explain, she rolls her eyes, and hollers for Chiquita to fix my drink.

I drive to the 2nd window, where an unhappy Chiquita is waiting for me. I hand her the drink and start to explain and she says, "I got it now." O...K...She gets a new cup, and starts filling it. It appeared to me that she was only putting one drink and not my Coke cocktail in the cup, so I motion to her and mouth the words "half diet and half regular," to which she says, "I know!" Uh-huh...

My take: What happened to customer courtesy, especially when you make the mistake, Chiquita?? Please! Anyway, it was kinda funny.

I may not be blogging much over the next few days, but check in from time to time so you don't miss anything. Have a great day!

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