Thursday, November 8, 2012

A New Doctor: oh Happy Day

So, I'm going to the doctor today. Yep. Going to the doctor. I can hardly wait...OK, that might be a slight exaggeration...

If you have been reading my blog for very long, you know I'm having an issue with my right foot. (OK, I just have to stop here and say that when I first typed that last sentence, I typed "root fight" instead of "right foot!" Ha, the things I do before I've completed my cup of coffee!)

The truth is, my foot is extremely painful. I can barely walk. I'm trying to walk on the ball of my right foot and just not even put my heel down because of the pain. You know what I look like? I look like one of those mythical creatures whose body is too big for his goat legs, so he sways back and forth and does a little hop when he walks. Uh-huh, that would be me. And, honey, that ain't the look I'm going for...

I'm going to see a new podiatrist, one that my mom, who is 71 goes to. I mention my mom's age because she is probably younger than the average patient's age in a podatrist's waiting room. Podiatrists and retina specialists, yeah, mostly for the elderly. And, just as I have to go to a podiatrist, Riley has to go to a retina specialist yearly due to an injury he sustained a few year ago. It's a good thing we are fans of old people.

Anyway, my mom really likes this doctor and he is the son of some friends of ours, which is a big thing for Robert. He is a huge fan of "supporting friends' businesses," which usually translates into his clients. He always wants to purchase things at the stores where "so-and-so owns that store, he is the son-in-law of a cousin of a brother-in-law of a niece of a client of mine." Uh-huh. I usually don't argue because I usually don't even understand what he is saying. I'm fine with shopping at clients' establishments most of the time. It's the part where he wants to wait until "said establishment" (see long list of relatives above) has a sale. Yeah, and that may never happen. And, that's just what my husband is hoping for. Probably. Although I should tread carefully here, hence my new refrigerator and dish washer. Love you, Babe!

So back to the doctor, first of all, he looks like he's about...12. Now, we've all seen the show "Doogie Houser, MD," but really, it's a little discouraging to me when I realize that this doctor doesn't even know most of my favorite 80's music, BECAUSE HE WASN'T EVEN BORN YET!

But, my mom says he's very personable and funny and that I'll like him. Let's hope so, because I hate trying new doctors. The thing is, I am a Google enthusiast. I have Googled this foot pain probably 20 times and I have narrowed it down to about 2-3 possible diagnoses. Yes, me with no medical degree. I'm so bad that my family doctor, who has treated me for 20+ years, usually ends our appointments with "I know you're going to Google this, so let me give you the correct spelling." See? An enthusiast, I am. The thing with new doctors is how long do I have to wait to interject my thoughts from Google? What if he doesn't mention one of said 2-3 diagnoses I have come up with on my own? It's very tricky with new doctors, you see. I mean, you want to put your best foot forward and not be blacklisted on the first visit, but, seriously, who has time to play?

My take: I have to wear heels next Tuesday night in Colorado Springs at a formal event - we need to get this show on the road! The above picture is from last year's event. We clean up pretty good, right?

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