Wednesday, December 12, 2012

No Flu

No flu at my house! Hallelujah!

I took Riley to the doctor yesterday, as you know, and he only has a sinus infection. I'm so relieved. No flu so far this year.

The pediatrician's office was a zoo. Kids everywhere. Some people came in with 3 kids, all of which looked sick. I just don't think I could've handled 3 kids PERIOD, let alone 3 kids sick at the same time. These are the days we're all thankful for wine.

The other funny thing about the pediatrician's office was that most of the kids in the sick waiting room were around 5 and under. Then there was Riley - 6 feet tall, in need of a shave. It was pretty funny. But it made me think about when Riley was that age - he was so cute, very quiet and reserved, always a book in his hand. It made me feel kind of sad, really, knowing that my "baby boy" is grown.

Until we got in a room with one of those "5-year-olds" next door, who was screaming bloody-murder and kicking the wall. Actually, before the visit was over, there were screaming "5-year-olds" all around us, in stereo, if you will, and we decided Dr. Hubbell must be a saint.

My take: 5-year-olds can be cute, but grown kids who don't injure nurses and doctors while being treated have their charms, too!

Happy Hump Day!!

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