Thursday, December 13, 2012

Living La Vida de Christmas

Well, it's another very busy day here in RahRah land.

First, I'm going to my mother's Bible study Christmas party, where my friend, Beth and I will be singing. Yes, singing. Really early in the morning for singing, when you're old and your voice is out of shape. So, it should be interesting. But, the thing is, the ladies in this Bible study are the absolute sweetest people on the planet and they will think we're awesome not matter what. So, that's a relief.

After the luncheon following the Bible study, I'm dashing back to Lumberton to try and catch Riley's band's performance at the Intermediate School. Mainly because I'm missing the real concert tonight because it conflicts with Robert's office Christmas party. I figure I can't miss that and since I do have an option, I'm just going for it.

My take: I gotta get off this computer and go! See you tomorrow for another Christmas recipe!

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