Friday, November 30, 2012

Fun Friday: Home Alone 1 Edition

Hallelujah...just sayin'...even the dog is gone. No worries, she's with Robert, which is right where she wants to be, trust me. He's gone to Warren and she is probably about 6 inches from his body at this very moment...she loves that man...

All I'm saying is that sometimes, I need a little quiet time, is that such a crime? No, I think not.

Well, I have sad news: the house isn't finished. After my writing lunch yesterday, I opted for Christmas shopping. And it was successful. But, today, it should be done. Or at least by Monday, when you tune in again. Pinky Promise.

The above picture is from the Lumberton Christmas Parade. We had such a good time...after I finally found Katie and Charlotte. Apparently, this is a big deal in Lumberton. I've lived here for 7 years and had no idea. So, I was in the middle of making supper, which was an EPIC FAILURE, by the way, details later, when my daughter-in-law texted me and says, "OK, I've pulled over on XXX Road." It was an hour and 15 minutes before the parade was supposed to start. I'm like, "HUH?" She then told me that it would be very crowded and I shouldn't wait much longer to come. Of course...

So, I get it in high gear - gather chairs, make hot chocolate, grab snacks and run out the door. She told me where she was and I knew exactly where she meant. Except, no not really. I pulled down a couple of streets, but not the right one. All the while my sweet Katie is texting me, "Do you see me? I'm flashing my lights and waving out the window." Yes, but that would require me to be on the right street and all. Finally, I pulled down one of the wrong streets into a parking lot and almost started to cry, I was so mad. How could I have lived here for 7 years and not know where XXX Road is??

Then, I saw a policeman working the parade. Now, normally I'm not that happy to see a Lumberton policeman, because they are, shall we say, overly zealous about their jobs. I was once pulled over when Riley was about 5 because the officer said it looked like my inspection sticker had been taken off and put back on. Really. Anyway, last night, he was a sight for my sore eyes.

So, in just a few minutes, I'd found them and parked next to them. Our next worry was Robert. Who is always late. Always. So, I called him and told him how crowded it was, that he wouldn't be able to drive down XXX Road after 7, hurry up, etc. He works about 15-20 minutes away. 10 minutes later I called him back, he hadn't left yet. Charlotte kept asking where he was and I finally said, "I don't know, Sweetie. We'll watch for a white suburban IN THE PARADE." But, he zoomed down the street at about 6:55, parked at the primary school, then hoofed it back to us just as the police cars, ambulances and firetrucks were starting the parade. I thought maybe they were expecting an emergency, but Katie said they did this every year. Thank God for Katie.

Anyway, a good time was had by all. Riley's band played and Charlotte was so excited to see him. It was hard to tell which trombone he was in the dark, so we finally just picked someone on the outside and told her that was him. She was elated. She's also a little confused about Santa - who he is, when he's coming, and why there isn't snow.

Charlotte, these are all questions we've been trying to answer since the beginning of time. Welcome to the madness!!

Anyway, if you've never been to a lighted Christmas parade, try to attend one. They really are beautiful, with all the lights and a true small-town ambience. There are several other communities around this neck of the woods having a lighted parade this weekend - our church, Encounter Church, will actually have a float in the one in Groves tomorrow night - so check one out!

This week's recipe is a Christmas party favorite of mine. If you're like me, you'll be attending at least one holiday function this year where you'll need to bring a "goodie," right? So try Cheesy Christmas Trees - easy to make and yummy!! Happy weekend, see you on Monday!

Cheesy Christmas Trees

1/2 C mayonnaise
1 T dry ranch-style salad dressing mix
1 C shredded Cheddar cheese
1/4 C grated Parmesan cheese
12 slices firm white bread
1/4 C red bell pepper strips
1/4 C green bell pepper strips

1. Preheat broiler to low. Combine mayonnaise and salad dressing mix in medium bowl. Add cheese; mix well.
2. Cut bread slices into Christmas tree shapes using large cookie cutter. Spread each tree with about 1 T mayonnaise mixture. Decorate with red and green bell pepper strips. Place on baking sheet.
3. Broil 4 inches from heat 2 to 3 minutes or until bubbling. Serve warm. Makes about 12 appetizers.

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