Thursday, November 15, 2012

Back to Life, Back to Reality...

Well, we're home. And, honey, it was no small feat getting here.

I'll spare you the painful details, but our flight that was supposed to take off at 8:20am finally took off at around 1:45pm. For those of you, like me, who are a little slow with math, that's about 5.5 hours later than planned. And guess what? We didn't even get a bag of pretzels or peanuts for all of our trouble. Nope. What is this world coming to?

Then, the pilot proceeds to come on the PA system, while we're all strapped in, about to take off, and tells us how long and hard it was to repair our plane. Huh? What is that all about? Note to United Airlines: correct me if I'm wrong, but I would think calm passengers make for the more peaceful plane rides. I'm just sayin'...

On Friday I'm going to upload some breathtaking photos from my trip, but for now, just rejoice and be glad, with me, that I am home! I'm tired, people...

Plus, tomorrow is my audition for the symphony chorus. And, just In time, I went to 0% humidity Colorado and my nasal passages are so dry that I feel like I've had cotton stuck up my nose for 3 days. Yay, me.

If you're noticing a tiny bit of extra sarcasm tonight...people, I'm tired.

My take: I'm going to bed. Tune in Friday for a new recipe, beautiful pictures and a much more me version of myself. Or something like that except that makes more sense. I'm tired, people.

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