Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hi! I'm new!

OK, so I'm new to blogging. I remember taking a workshop on it when I was teaching school a few years ago. I was on the technonlogy committee for our district and we had a session on bloggin. At the end of the workshop, I thought, "Cool...I'll never use it..." And yet, here I am! Anyway, back to the blog...I thought I had already posted, but, apparently,, I will try again...if you've already read this, so sorry...

Today I'd like to discuss summer. I don't know about you, but I'm kind of ready to say good-bye to the dog days of summer. Not that summer hasn't been great - great family trip to New Zealand, sleeping in, relaxing by the pool, hanging out with friends. But, unfortunately, along with all of those wonderful things comes eating way too much fast food, not exercising consistently, and just not getting much accomplished in general. I guess I'm just feeling the need for some routine and structure back in my world. So, I sat down this week and made schedules for housework, writing, and working out...not necessarily in that order...what are your thoughts? More summer or bring on fall?


  1. I agree....summer should be over....but, I am a heat-hater...I don't like it at all,...warm,maybe, HOT....NEVER!!!! So, yep, that first real cool snap in October can't get here fast enough for me!!
    Congrats on the blog!! I started one, never did anything with it and have been contemplating a restart~hopefully yours will never lag and you will really love doing it!!

  2. Someone took my trip to New Zealand. I never even saw the ticket. I'm not sure I slept in even one day this summer (my own fault for living in a house of glass...sunshine). I did relax, along with a red hornet, by the neighbor's pool a couple of days for almost an hour. I hung out with wonderful, new friends and 37 kids on the Fine Arts trip to Kentucky...on a bus...for eighteen hours. That was the highlight of my summer. :) I am still awaiting my trip to the white-sand shores of Florida.
    Alas, I did not have an exciting summer. School started on August 16. Normally, that would not be a big deal for me, since I home schooled my only son from birth to 9th grade, as you know. However, he started private school.
    SO, in summation, my summer consisted of:
    schedules: check, exercising: check, healthy eating: check, routine: check.
    I don't have a preference for summer or fall, JUST GIVE ME A VACATION!!!! ;)
