Thursday, August 30, 2012

Are You Ready for Some...Marching Band?

Tonight is Son's first football game. Yes, I know it's only Thursday, but there was a scheduling problem, or construction on the field house, or the stars didn't align correctly...who knows for sure?

As I've said in earlier posts, Son is in the band. He plays the trombone, just like his father does, and he absolutely loves it! He's actually very good, too. He's made the All-Region band in both middle school and high school, as a Freshman, and one year he also made the All-Region orchestra. I'm so proud of him.

So, tonight I will drive with friends to the game, which is about an hour away, and begin what will hopefully be a much better season than last year.

You see, even though I am a woman, I love footbsll! I was raised on it.

I went to school through high school in a town about 30 minutes from where I live now - FOOTBALL MECCA!!! We were the Indians, purple and white, and everyone in the town was hard core. You ALWAYS wore your purple and white shirt on Fridays, you ALWAYS went to the game on Friday night, home or away, and you ALWAYS stood and sang the Fight Song every time it was played That number was usually around 317 times per game. I remember when I was in the 3rd grade, the Indians went to the State Championship game. Off we went to Dallas, wearing our purple, faces painted - it was on, Baby! I even sang the Fight Song over the CB Radio on the way to the game, (yes, I know I'm dating myself with the mention of the CB Radio.) Then, the next week, after the Indians won the State Championship, all the varsity players came to the elementary school to give autographs. Our teacher, Mrs. Dews, stood at the door and announced each player as he came through the door. At the sound of each name, all 25 of us would stand and cheer, just as if it were Peyton or Eli Manning. It was Hollywood, I tell you.

Sundays were another big football day in my home growing up. We would all go to church, eat a big lunch Mother would cook, then go sit in the living room, yelling at whichever Dallas Cowboys coach was presently making bad decisions - all except Landry, we NEVER yelled at Landry, are you kidding me? Father, Brother and I would jump up and down, high five each other, and sometimes even fall down in the middle of the floor, so overcome we were with elation, despair, or some other very intense emotion. Yes, yes.

So, as a true Tom-Boy, I grew up watching, loving and knowing all about football. I know the names of the positions and what each does. I know penalty signals and even can spot clipping or pass interference when it happens during a play. Very simply: I really do love football.

The problem now is that our high school team is, to be polite, less than spectacular. A few years ago, we "made a little run," as Father would say, and actually played 3 games in the play-offs. The town was so excited - again, painted faces, community-wide pep rallies - just like old times., not really. The next season we managed to make the play-offs again, but this time lost in the first round. Still not bad, though. Since then, however, it's been pretty rough. Last year, Son's freshman year, we didn't win 1 game. I said we didn't WIN 1 game!

The cool thing, though, is that I love music, too! I actually hold a Bachelor of Music Education degree to prove it. Truly, music has always been that thing in my life that I could relate to, was moved by, or could express my feelings freely through. So, the fact that Son is in the Band is pretty cool. The band program at his high school is amazing. There are close to 150 kids marching this year. Wow! That makes us the largest 4A division band, at the smallest 4A division school. I've known the band director for years and the kids adore him - he is truly what motivates them to be in band and perform so well. It's a great experience.

My take is that whatever Son wants to be involved in, I want him to go for it. It could be band, sports, debate, an academic team, it doesn't matter. I want to be right there, watching, supporting, and cheering him on to be the best he can be. He's my kid.

So, our Friday night highlights may not consist of a running back breaking out and running long for a touchdown, but there will be highlights. As long as I can find Son in the band - they all look the same out there.

What's your take?

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