Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I'm Baaaacccckkkkk!

Good morning, world, I haven't fallen off!

Yes, I'm back in my happy, little home after a very successful trip to Dunwoody, GA. In case you missed my last post, I drove my mom and great aunt to Dunwoody to visit my cousin for the weekend.

It was so good to see my cousin, Kate. I don't think I'd seen her since Riley was about 3, which is almost 13 years, so, you know, it was time.

Anyway, we had a great time just hanging out at their house, shopped a little, AND ate really well, which is always a plus in my book. I even learned to make pesto sauce and I'll be sharing that recipe with you on Friday, so don't forget to check back for that.

Kate is married to John.

And, they have two daughters, Meredith on the left, Victoria on the right.

Victoria is a senior this year and Meredith is a sophomore. They both play softball and are actually going to the championship tournament this weekend!!! Go, Wolves!!! They also play LaCrosse, which kind of frightens me, but hey, "Go, Wolves!"

The girls were great because they actually hung out with us old people and didn't really act like it was too painful. I wonder what Kate's secret is? I sure would like to cast that spell on Riley!!!

My mom and Aunt Jeannnie seemed to have a great time, too, and we're hoping Kate's family might come to our house between Christmas and New Year's.

So, with all of that said, I'm going to close for today. I have a writing project that I'm in the middle of and don't have much time to finish it. Yikes!!

One more thing: if you're wondering why I keep posting the "Welcome Fall" pumpkin picture at the beginning of my posts it's because I thought maybe if I keep welcoming fall, maybe fall will GET HERE ALREADY! I mean, please, I think my car said the temperature yesterday outside got up to 90 degrees. Are you kidding me? It's almost November, for crying out loud!

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